In Pertec Global Services, a company devoted to the selling of technology information services we have the commitment of providing services and products that satisfy the requirements of our clients, through quality and continuous improvement of our processes, implementing a Quality Management System.
For that, the organization takes on the following commitments:
- Doing the follow up of the perception of the client’s satisfaction with the purpose of finding alternatives to increase that perceived degree.
- The proper communication and treatment of the incidence management.
- Complying with the legal, regulatory, the client’s , QMS’s requirements, as well as any others’ subscribed by the organization.
- Planning, implementing, maintaining, revising and improving the QMS to optimize its operation.
- Involving workers through the communication of the Policy and its understanding, encouraging participation, immersion and a sense of responsibility to comply with this Policy and its procedures as it applies to their position and job responsibilities.
- Upper management authorizes this policy and takes on the commitment of incorporating it in the daily management, in addition to revising it periodically; as well as ensuring its availability to any interested part.